Verity journal
Verity Journal
Location: KL
Offence: Did Not Settle Income Tax Payments
Offender: Financial Consultant
Details: Sometimes it is not a candidate’s poor performance, qualifications or integrity issues that hinders a potential employer to make an offer; sometimes it is just basic housekeeping skills, or the lack of.
We were processing an urgent case for an MNC client, who identified a candidate to be immediately hired. This candidate was required to travel to multiple countries within the next 3 months. There were no negative findings in any searches, except for the Travel Blacklist. We discovered that the candidate was blacklisted by Inland Revenue Board due to unsettled tax matters. Just this simple (but detrimental, in his field of work) finding cost the candidate his job.
Our Travel Blacklist is able to find out whether an individual has been blacklisted from traveling, whether for Income Tax, EPF, PTPTN, Immigration, Customs, Bank Negara, MACC, Securities Commission, etc. Better check, and be safe than sorry.