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Verity Journal

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Background Screening to Know Your Employees

Over the past few months, we have provided a basic understanding of background screening in the pre-hiring process. However, what many companies don’t even consider – is doing regular background screenings during-employment.

During-employment screening would continue to provide many benefits and safeguards for companies. According to KPMG Malaysia’s Fraud Survey in 2013, 49% of companies experienced fraud, and of those, 68% took place internally. Also reported were offenses such as conflict of interest, unauthorised personal use of corporate assets and unauthorised disclosure of confidential or sensitive information.

Most of these offenses were committed when employees faced personal financial issues or due to plain greed. Regular background screenings, which are non-invasive, can bring to light any personal issues employees might be facing, which would give companies an opportunity to address them before it becomes a problem.

In turn, this helps companies maintain a secure and safe workplace, prevent fraud and corruption while encouraging trust among employees by identifying and addressing issues through continuous monitoring. It is such a necessary step in the process of human resource management that is a standard practice for financial institutions in Malaysia.

Know Your Employee Screenings can help you manage risks posed by potential and existing employees, ensuring a clear personnel record. With Verity Intelligence, companies can screen potential candidates, existing staff and strengthen their HR due diligence.

To know more, check out our presentation on why employers should Know Your Employees or visit to see how you can join our list of satisfied clients.

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Prepaid Packages

2 years validity
Usually for companies who screen between 20-30 people per annum.

RM5,000 Package + SST
2 years validity
Usually for companies who screen between 30-60 people per annum.

RM10,000 Package + SST
2 years validity
Usually for companies who screen between 60-120 people per annum.

RM20,000 Package + SST