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Friend or Predator? Who are you leaving your kids with?

Teachers, instructors, caretakers and counselors. We often trust people in these roles and see them as nurturing and protective figures for our children. Most probably won’t think twice when it comes to entrusting the wellbeing of our children to these people when we drop them off at school, tuition or for their extra-curricular activities.

We often think of the potential dangers surrounding our children to be outside of schools, clubs or activities we enrol them into. It is easy to forget that there are hidden threats lying within the compounds of school or youth organizations. Sometimes, it is the very people we trust who turns out to be the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

In July 2018, the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry raised the alarm on the safety of our young children and teens. They revealed data that out of 50,658 sex crime cases since 2013, minors were affected in over 13,000 of them – comprising 7,309 cases of rape, 1,200 cases of incest, 3,478 cases of molestation, 984 cases of unnatural sexual acts and 157 sexual harassment cases affecting children and teens under the age of 18.

It is deeply saddening that sexual crimes have not ceased since, with plenty of stories of abuse popping up in the news over the last few months, with several cases involving school teachers and even religious teachers.

Young teens also face the dangers of sexual predators outside of school. In a recent shocking case involving a celebrity dance teacher, the accused was charged with eight counts of sexual assault against young teens as young as 15-years-old who attend his dance classes. The news came as a shock as he was a well-known figure with many young followers for public speaking and dance classes.

So who is to blame and who can we fault for these crimes? It can be easy to point fingers and put the blame on parents or schools, but the matter of the fact is that these cases can be prevented by being aware of the individuals involved with these underaged minors.

By applying the preventive and careful measures such as screening teachers or instructors who come in contact with young teens and children, we can work towards ensuring a safer space for them.

At Verity Intelligence, we aim to keep organizations and workplaces informed and safer by giving them the safety net of knowing who they have in their employ and who they are working with.

Want to know more about how to do safe and non-invasive screenings? Stay tuned to this blog and go to to know more.

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