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Background Screening through Cybervetting

In previous posts, we have emphasised that in our background screenings, we only look for information that are available legally and publicly. With our increasing reliance on the Internet to communicate and represent ourselves, we all leave behind more information that can be accessed publicly.

For companies looking to employ someone new, the Internet offers an opportunity to take a glimpse into the type of the person a potential hire may be. Through information made available on the Internet, companies can assess a candidate’s compatibility with the company through adverse media checks.

Cybervetting is a good way to see if a person has been truthful on their resume and to also see what they’ve chosen to omit but is available online.

A common red flag is when a candidate is named in a criminal or controversial news report. Take for example, would you hire an expat digital marketing vice president that has been reported for making a seditious remark online against his country of residence?

In order to determine if a candidate does not pose any issues for an organisation, more recruiters are using the Internet, along with social media, to identify if a candidate’s recorded behaviour can be aligned with a company’s business and organisational nature.

Of course, the information gathered through the Internet should not stand alone and should be combined with other aspects of a candidate’s background before a decision is made. To explore the other areas of a background checks, read our articles here or stay tuned to for more information.

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