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Finding safer, better solutions for childcare

If there is one thing that we can agree with, it’s that parenthood is not easy.

Raising tiny humans from scratch is never going to be problem-free. There’s the childbirth and the feeding and the diapers and the crying and the schooling and the teaching and—did we mention that you’re raising tiny humans from scratch?

Which isn’t to say that the role isn’t without its rewards. The tiny milestones like their first smiles, their first steps, the moments where they make sense, bit by bit, of the world, are simply incomparable. But the work and the stresses that come with parenthood and having children are real and numerous.

For many families, raising children requires having a dual-income household, or in the case of single-parent families, having a sole breadwinner shoulder all the responsibilities alone. Childcare is a real and constant concern for working parents, and it begins when maternity and paternity leave ends. Who can you trust to take care of your most precious ones? Who can you trust to keep them safe and sound when you’re working to provide for them?

For some, the answer is family members—leaving children to their grandparents or the nearest available adult can be a solution, and the consolation of family ties adds a layer of security to parents. But this solution is not a feasible one for many in the long-term, and due to the constraints of money, time and travel, they frequently resort to “childcare centres” and “nurseries” that they are recommended through word of mouth. As demand increases, many established centres have begun charging a premium that is beyond the economic reach of young families, and these new parents have to resort to leaving their children to somewhat qualified persons with a wing and prayer.

For some, this decision can lead to heartbreaking results.

We laud the long-overdue initiative by the government to provide childcare facilities in government offices, as well as their push for more stringent childcare qualifications. The screening process, due to be launched this month, is much welcome as a solution to vetting who we can entrust children with. And it is our strong hope that it’s a sensitive and comprehensive screening system that takes into account the childcare provider’s qualifications, working history, criminal records and facilities, as this is the key to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our children, as helpless and vulnerable as they are.

And at the end of the day, it takes another worry off parents’ minds.

Want to know more about how screening works and how it can help you? Find out at

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