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5 Lies to Look Out for in a Job Application

What are the common lies or fake information that candidates use when applying for a job? Is it hard to spot untruths in a CV? How easy is it to fake a certificate?

These questions and more were answered by Mark Leow, the founder of Verity Intelligence, who spoke to BFM Radio’s Richard Bradbury in the Five for Fortune segment recently about 5 lies to look out for in a job application.

Mark listed the top lies he has spotted throughout his career and shared some shocking case studies to explain the extent of the problem in the Malaysian workforce.

Listen to the full podcast here.

If you want to hear more podcasts, listen to our previous interview in 2017 by clicking here. Verity Intelligence advised BFM listeners on how background screenings can be a good preventive tool to avoid issues like negligent hiring and fraudulent business transactions.

For more information about Verity Intelligence and background screening, stay tuned to our website at verityintel.

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