Verity journal

Verity Journal

Our Blogs and Articles.
Background screening: More benefits than you can shake a stick at!

The founder of Verity Intelligence, Mark Leow, was today invited by the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB) to speak before an audience of banking professionals at Bank Negara ...

Is background screening legal?

Of course it is! What we do at Verity Intelligence is verify and screen in a legal, unbiased and non-invasive manner i.e. we verify that all relevant information about a potential ...

Background screening companies - are you private investigators?

Background screening companies - like Verity Intelligence - can often be mistaken for private investigators. Is Verity Intelligence a private investigation agency? ...

What's background screening?

You’ve probably heard about cases of people faking their employment credentials, MyKads being sold to foreigners, or even degrees and certificates being sold by syndicates in Malaysia.