Verity journal

Verity Journal

Our Blogs and Articles.
5 Reasons to Perform Self Checks

Regular check ups with our doctors and dentists keeps us updated on our physical and dental health. However, when it comes to our financial health, who do we check with? Most of us neglect this aspect of ...

5 Reasons why you need to do Pre-Employment Screening

The hiring process can be long and tedious, sometimes employers are required to repeat the process over and over again because they keep getting hires that just don’t fit. When it comes to getting the right candidate ...

5 Ways How Your Leaked Information Can Be Abused

It was recently reported by the Malay Mail that Putrajaya’s exam portal was forced to shut down after a data breach was found. It is possible that the breach has leaked the MyKad numbers of millions of users as it is ...

How does money laundering and corruption affect Malaysians?

Since May 9th, Malaysia has been moving at warp-speed and it has become hard to keep track of the news. Looking at it from a big picture perspective, a lot of the developments have been regarding issues of integrity, or ...