Verity journal

Verity Journal

Our Blogs and Articles.
Predators amongst us, hidden beneath white collars | Background Screening
Imagine this: Fresh out of undergraduate school and into your first job, to say you're excited about this would be an understatement. First week on the job, everyone's nice and supportive though you'd have to admit there's one particular ...
Finding safer, better solutions for childcare

If there is one thing that we can agree with, it’s that parenthood is not easy. Raising tiny humans from scratch is never going to be problem-free. There’s the childbirth and the feeding and the diapers and the crying ...

Ensuring customer safety in the growing sharing economy

Since Uber and Airbnb changed the way we looked at services, the sharing economy has become a popular go-to for many of us, both as a convenient service, as well as a great way to make some extra money.

On the scale of one to ten, how secure is your data?

Are you under the impression that big corporations and organizations have very secured and sophisticated systems to safe keep its information? The answer would be yes. Here’s another question: Is that the reality we ..