Verity journal

Verity Journal

Our Blogs and Articles.
How PTPTN affects your credit score!

The National Higher Education Fund Corporation, or better known as PTPTN, has made news once again! At Budget 2019 recently, the government announced a repayment schedule that would have borrowers ...

Golden Win for Verity Intelligence at the Human Resources Vendors of the Year awards for 2018

Last night, Verity Intelligence won the Gold award in the Best Background Screening Provider category at the Human Resource Vendors of the Year Awards 2018. The HR awards programme puts the spotlight on the ...

Friend or Predator? Who are you leaving your kids with?

Teachers, instructors, caretakers and counselors. We often trust people in these roles and see them as nurturing and protective figures for our children. Most probably won’t think twice when it comes to entrusting ...

Screen NPO Volunteers to prevent abuse!

A month ago, we talked about equipping non-profit organizations with the right people to ensure the safety conditions of their charges. We highlighted the need for stronger screening processes particularly ...